COMMUNITY – Community (Building? Development?) & Sustainability
Trinidad Riverwalk Projects
Career & Stewardship Skills Training
Benefits community by building stewardship skills for caring for our watershed but also career development and helping community members explore possible career paths and opportunities and also resume builder and can meet local experts, etc – helps local youth and young adults build employable skills and explore poss career paths…
Restoration & Recreation Enhancement
River Cleanups (related to above)
Community Building – meet and greets for newcomers (and long-time residents) to meet new people and help do community stewardship along the way
Other riverwalk specific
Cleaning up river – trash, graffiti, safety
Homeless – (get into this or no?) working to create an alternative location for homeless to shelter so that we can move them off the river, reduce trash, eliminate fecal contamination and garbage in river corridor, help tax paying citizens feel safer along the riverwalk, etc – MAKE RIVERWALK SAFE AND WELCOMING FOR LOCALS AND TOURISTS AGAIN!!!
Working to add bear proof trash cans, bathrooms, benches, lighting on Riverwalk
Community patrol on Riverwalk since I got trained as safety officer with police department (need to schedule these!)